Vantiam | About Us
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About Vantiam. Executive Advancement in Superannuation & Investments.

We serve senior executives and organisations in the superannuation & investments industry with independent, expert and strictly confidential career and leadership development advice, support and connections. We operate as trusted guide to assist executives and organisations to identify and develop winning strategies for career and leadership development within super and investments.

​Having taken hundreds of briefs from hundreds of senior executives in Australia, and had thousands of preliminary and follow up conversations with those executives, Vantiam founder and Executive Search professional Scott Bunny was distilling information around career and leadership development opportunities these executives were missing – in their organisation and also in their own professional pursuits.

Internal functions, networks and pure executive search firms play significant roles, but there is a noticeable gap in various parts of the timeline where trusted, confidential guidance and undiluted feedback are extremely valuable. Vantiam fills this gap.

Vantiam Executive is built on three fundamental pillars.  Everything we do echoes these pillars and ensures we maintain our unique and trusted position in the market.


Senior Industry Experts


Genuine Independence


Absolute Confidentiality

Vantiam Locations

Vantiam is constantly travelling between Asia and Australia to stay at the forefront of organisational development and human capital in super and investments in the region. We have offices in both Sydney, our Australian hub and Manila, our Asian hub. 

Interested to learn more about Vantiam for yourself or your business?

Keep up with Industry Movements

The nature of our work and contacts means we stay very close to organisational and leadership news, movements and important events in the Australian Super & Investment Industry. Subscribe to VANTIAM PULSE to stay abreast. Vantiam Pulse is not a general industry update. It is a very specific circulation relevant to senior Super and Investments executives only. We value and protect your privacy.